I took a bit of time off to watch the Wimbledon tennis championships - they were great. So, then there was some catching up to do. I came across some great advertising mediums which I would like to share with you today.
Whatever your enthusiasm for your program/site sometimes the advertising can get boring. Spice up your routine with these sites. They may even make you some money too!! In no particular order:
ZoomMoola. Call me stupid but I can't wait each day to login to find out how many people joined. Members may advertise to all members that join after them regardless of who recruited them. The messages stay on-site so no full in-boxes or bounced messages. If you want to recruit commissions are $7 per pro referral. At just $20 once and no need to read messages to earn mailing credits to post once per day and free smilies I feel it is worth it. Free members need to read more messages each day to mail as the membership grows. Cash-out after $10 so at least 2 paid referrals. I have one pro so far and 5 free myself but 1,500 people to receive my messages daily! Fun and easy to post.
RollerCoaster ads. Another fun page. See how cheap you can get your ads. Sales go directly to the sponsor paypal account - thanks. We are a team of a few like-minded people that pay on each others' sites each week. You could join our team too if you decide to get your own page.
Cash Wrapper. Why do your advertising for free? Put a simple bar on your page and get paid every time it is shown. Also earn credits to get your link shown on other pages. First site you would like wrapped is FREE. Any additional are just $5 per year and your sponsor receives the fee directly to paypal again - thank you.
BusinessAdsBoard. Another multiple link site where others do the advertising for you. It is FREE to add your link daily and only takes a minute - so if you have one to spare pop on over. You need your site linked to as many different forms of advertising/places as possible. Advertising is a numbers game - wear down there resistance and make sure it is your link they choose to join.
LiveAdBiz. Ditto above. FREE to post your link. So get it out there.
NetAudioAds. If you have access to the code for your page add a 5 sec audio ad every time it is shown and receive payment. I am still new to this one and it takes a while to get your site authorised. So I reserve judgement but wanted to add it to this list in case it is a gem.
Of course, there are loads of safelists, traffic exchanges, forums, ptc, classified ads sites etc. So spread your net wide.
This traffic exchange lets you have 900 free pixels on their pixel page too. TrafficPros.
If you are looking to try a Safelist please could you join this excellent Frank Salinas one via my link. Refer for upgrades at Safelist Pro.
Thanks very much for your time and Good luck with your promotions.
Don't forget to join our happy family at Traffic-Guru.com
Diane Cooke