Sunday, 22 February 2009

Wahey! I received more money today.

Wahey! I got more money today! Another member in my downline at MyNetWealth. I have already received over $100 from this site from my $15 investment with about another $100 waiting to be claimed. Members get 13 positions for each $15 payment so I am waiting for the individual accounts to build up before claiming again. It is fun to watch and check.

If $15 is too much at one time you could start in the MyOneDollarTeam program which progresses through to the MyNetWealth program and is filling in sequence via just one link. It also includes 4 text ads with unlimited impressions.

This is one of the programs we are promoting at the ning forum Matrix4Money. You could come and meet us there and find out more about them for free.

I hope things are going well for you and that you are having such fun earning as we are.