Yep, 2009 has started brilliantly. I have signups coming from all directions to loads of different programs or advertising sites. I have taken a bit of time out to try some new places both are free to join. They are proving very interesting and not a little addictive. One is called Pickjack and one is called Vinefire.
Pickjack is very educational and interesting. It is also a good place to learn or practise English. Members post a question which is answered then rated by other members. For each question answered a member may post a new question that is supposed to be related in some way (although some people are not doing this correctly so may have their questions deleted). After posting 10 related questions a member may post a question on a new subject of their own choosing. This in turn will pick up related questions which earn for the person that started the tree over 3 levels. You can choose which questions to answer so are bound to find some that are on a subject that you find easy. Most are general but some are more advertising so you could get people directed to your site. You are allowed to add links to your profile so don't forget to do that then the more questions you post the more people will see your profile and your links. Advertising is a numbers game but no maths questions are allowed!
For searching for information for Pickjack I use the engine on the above banner. It pays me to use it. Then I get paid twice for the same information and having fun. I have it set as my firefox browser Home Page so that I can find it easily and remember to use it.
Vinefire is more about advertising but only one link to each unique url is allowed. There are also lots of links to other types of very interesting sites not programs to join. Members get $5 per referral and new members get $25 to start them off. Free members can earn up to $3 per day by clicking on and voting for links. For one small fee ($5, I think) upgraded (called verified) members can earn up to $25 a day. A FEW PEOPLE THAT I HAVE SPOKEN TO THINK THAT THIS IS NOT A GOOD SITE TO INVEST EVEN $5 IN. I think that Paypal have enough safeguards to protect our information so free membership should be ok. I have a couple of referrals and they are doing enough for me to get my $3 per day just by logging in and checking. So if it pays I will get $3 per day and if it doesn't I have partly wasted a few minutes but the sites I checked out were fun anyway. What do you think?
Try to take advantage of as many different outlets for your advertising as you can manage. You never know where the next referral may come from.