Sunday, 19 October 2008

$5 when you join for free

Wow! Sorry, I have neglected you for ages. Doesn't time fly when you are enjoying yourself. I haven't been enjoying myself at work so have poured myself into my internet marketing but I can only stretch so far. Have been making friends - which I will tell you about another time and helping with the launch of a new traffic exchange. I stupidly have not listed it on here yet but you still have time to reap the rewards.

It is called and enables more credits for your click by showing 4 pages at once - certainly prevents boredom. The best part at the moment is that you can jump start your earnings by joining in October and getting $5 added to your account. Then $1 for every referral. The only qualification is that you both need to surf at least 25 pages. Easy, peasy, especially when there is an auto-surf option too. There is also a personallized splash page option to assist you getting referrals.

So, hop to it.

Try to Be Back Soon,